Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Homelessness and Mental Illness

I couldn't help but notice today how a significant number of our guests at Manna House suffer from mental illness. As the Memphis City Council debates the city budget today including funding for homeless services, I wonder how many people realize the extent to which our city and our society neglect people who are mentally ill? Of course mental illness by itself doesn't lead a person to homelessness. There are plenty of mentally ill people who never end up homeless. Rather, the underlying poverty is often what leads to homelessness. Poor people who are mentally ill are much more likely to end up on the streets than wealthy people who are mentally ill. Mentally ill homeless persons need homes, a place where they can live and have a community of support. The Mayor's Plan to End Homelessness takes a "housing first" approach. The big question though is whether this plan will be funded or not. Meanwhile, we'll keep serving our guests at Manna House, whether mentally ill or not. And what we've found over and over again with our guests who are mentally ill is that they are much more than their mental illness, they are wonderful persons, with a variety of gifts, made in the image of God, and so often bearers of God's special presence.

1 comment:

  1. I am interested in spending some time at Manna House and engaging people who suffer from homelessness. Please contact me at dan.buchanan@hotmail.com . Thanks.

    Dan Buchanan
